Custom Residential & Business Roofing

Build Your Dream,
Create Your Space,
Let Us Do the Roofing.


We utilise total Quality Management in every aspect of the company’s operation. It is our philosophy that “quality must be part of how business is done” as embedded in all our operation and customer service thereby ensuring our products comply with the highest industry standard.


We are an Aluminum and General Merchandise Company who is passionate about the work we do and products we create.

We care about quality and functionality of every little element of production such as the frame of our windows, the smoothness of floors, the ambience our ceiling create and safety of our roofing sheets, right to the installations.

Our brand is not what we tell you, it is what our customers tell each other.

Our exponential growth is thanks to word of the mouth recommendations and other sustained support from fantastic clients.


We are advocates of  environmental sustainability and are after the options of an energy efficient Aluminum Solution.

We conduct business in a socially responsible and ethical manner that seeks to protect the environment.

Our goal is to be a leader in Environmental practices by emphasizing innovative and creative solutions, we are continually improving our environmental performance.


We utilize industry leading and internationally accredited machinery and custom developed software.

The collection of cutting-edge equipment, modifications, tools and other devices we use in the production phase of a project enable improvements in field techniques such as automated and semi automated production.


Each of our products goes through numerous quality control checks which
takes account of every aspect of appearance and tolerance.
The Quality Control Department is in charge of overseeing and ensuring that
each stage of production is carried out in accordance with the necessary
procedures for the safe use of machinery and that each product that is
produced conforms with all established standards and specifications

We are current registered members of the Association of Abuja Aluminum (AAA) and Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM).

Principles of our business is integrity, dependability, teamwork and innovation are etched across every element of our business.

Servicing the Entire Country

Our Process

We utilize industry leading and internationally accredited machinery and custom developed software.

The collection of cutting-edge equipment, modifications, tools and other devices we use in the production phase of a project enable improvements in field techniques such as automated and semi automated production


Let’s Start a Project

We are advocates of environmental sustainability and after the options of an energy efficient Aluminum Solution.

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